Set 1
Off Campus with Alumni Interviewed on: Feb 08 2019 Final Decision: Admitted
“Very casual and fun interview with an alum! My interviewer told me to wear whatever I was comfortable in so I dressed business casual, they were dressed more informally.
Questions along the lines of:
– Tell me your story
– Why pursue an MBA now?
– ST/LT goals — really dug in here
– Why Booth?
– How do you think you’d fit into Booth’s culture?
– What would you contribute to Booth?
– Tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership
– Tell me about a time you dealt with a high-stress situation
– Questions for interviewer
Overall, I really enjoyed the interview! It definitely felt like they were gauging fit and motivations. Excited for the final decision!”
Set 2
“I had my interview on-campus with a second year student. He arrived promptly and we interviewed in a small room in the admissions office.
After a brief introduction he asked me to introduce myself, then we spent ~30 minutes on various questions, followed by five minutes of questions for him. The questions were fairly standard, and included:
What other activity (other than what I covered in my intro) would you want to highlight?
What are your long term career goals?
Why Booth?
Why an MBA? Why now?
Tell me about a time when you failed to meet a personal or professional goal
What classes are you particularly looking forward to?
What specifically do you hope to gain in terms of leadership?
What do you hope to gain from the Booth MBA?
Describe your ideal MBA environment?
Anything else you wished we’d covered?
Overall, he was very friendly and put me at ease. It was a very conversational interview and he even chimed in from time to time to affirm / comment on my responses. Was very focused on Booth and what I hope to gain and less on my career goals.”
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