What are your 5-7 years ahead career goals and how will Stanford help you achieve them.
Tell me about a situation when the company wanted to do something and you wanted to do something else and how did you convince them?
I spoke about the difference in opinion between me and the other Colence founders and how I gradually resolved the difference to implement what I wanted.
Out of so many things about Stanford, what is the one thing that makes Stanford so important to you?
Choose what fits your profile best. For me it clearly was the entrepreneurial mindset and the close-knit community (not sure which one did I actually speak about then)
Tell me about a difficult situation in office.You can talk about a difficult situation with an overseas boss or anything relavant.
What could you have done differently to improve the outcome. I spoke about my transition from an Indian manager to a Chinese manager at an early stage in my career.
What do you do outside work (extra-curricular)
Describe hobbies where you have achieved some milestones and which make you stand apart. I know there will be a long list. But I spoke only about the 2-3 most important ones – Head, College dance society and Leader’s for Tomorrow – Anti Drug Anti Ragging campaigns.
Why did you follow this path/took this job (trying to connect all the dots in my life)I narrated my logic behind gaining some formal experience before joining and expanding my family business.
There were lot more questions which were borne out of my replies. But those were very specific to my career choices.
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